Very much like in Far Cry 2, you can’t go 10 yards without someone spotting you and a possible fight taking place which then results in major mayhem. This wasn’t a set piece, it was just a random moment in the game… and there are loads of them. The remaining ones were then suddenly attacked by a black bear form the forest. Lucky then that I was hiding out in a garage where there just happened to be an RPG and with a random shot, the plane was down, crashing into the town and wiping out most of my foes. Then to top it off a plane started dive bombing my position and I was on my last legs. Soon they were all after me and I was left to hide in dark corners while my dog buddy, Boomer, was stealing weapons from the enemy and kindly bringing them to me. I was wandering into a town occupied by cultists and I triggered an alarm. This is a game all about diversion and that’s where you will either begin to love or hate this game. As you can imagine you’ll be distracted by the many choices. You discover these activities or missions just by happening across them, which is a nice change from the previous games in the series.

There are some brilliant side missions which include getting bull testes for a food festival specialising in the said culinary item, or fishing and hunting quests and stunt races. The mission structure is a mixture of great things – mostly centred around destruction, freeing prisoners or capturing outposts. In each of these regions are towns and settlements, and a host of characters to meet and get missions from. It is from here where the game then lets you go anywhere across ‘Hope County’, with there being three major regions, controlled by distinct villains, to dominate first with Joseph looming over everything.

Of course, the arrest all goes pear shaped and like all good Far Cry games, you find yourself escaping and running for your life. Joseph Seed is the main villain and he’s a good one, full of long stares, slow-speaking psychobabble, and disturbing actions. The cult is a sort of hybrid of religious madness and Jones Town type hysterical strangeness. You play as a rookie US Marshall who, along with the Sheriff and your boss, enters the fray riding in a helicopter, with the intention to arrest the leader of a cult and his bunch of crazy siblings.