Now that you have some extra tools to navigate World War II in HoI IV, also check out our guides covering console commands in Crusader Kings 3 and Imperator: Rome.
Focus.AutoComplete - Instanly completes National Focus. Focus.NoChecks - Gets rid of National Focus requirements. deleteallunits (country tag) - Deletes the country's units. compliance (amount) - Increases compliance in province by specified amount. resistance (amount) - Increases resistance in province by specified amount. it - Instantly trains divisions and ships. set_ruling_party (ideology group) - Sets specified party as ruling party. civilwar - (ideology) (target country tag) - Starts a Civil War. setowner (country tag) (state id) - Sets specified state owner. research_on_icon_click - Enables research of technology when clicking on its icon in the tech tree. nuke (number) - Grants player specified Nukes amount. nu (number) - Grants player specified National Unity amount. fuel (amount) - Grants player specified Fuel amount. manpower (amount) - Grants player specified Manpower amount. annex (Country Tag) - Annexes specified country. event (event id) (Target Country Tag) - Executes specified event. debug_nuking - Enables nuking every province regardless of conditions. instantconstruction - Instantly constructs projects including ships. whitepeace (country tags) - Grants white peace with specified countries. xp (amount) - Grants player army, navy, and air experience. gain_xp (trait) - Grants specified trait to selected character. gain_xp (amount) - Grants specified amount of experience to selected character. allowtraits -Enables free assignment of general traits. ws (amount) - Grants specified amount of War Support. st (amount) - Grants specified amount of Stability. cp (amount) - Grants specified amount of Command Power. tdebug - Enables debug info like nation tags and IDs. Here are some handy Hearts of Iron IV console commands and cheats. As a general rule, the amounts, tags, and ids in the list below should be typed into the console without the accompanying brackets.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to use them during ironman or multiplayer matches. From that point on, simply type in something from the list below.
All you need to do is press the tilde (`) key while in-game to bring up the console.
Accessing HOI 4's console commands and cheats is rather easy.